Eurolab will be soon part of SETAC puzzle


Eurolab will take part of 28th annual SETAC meeting that will be held 13-17 May in Rome, the event will take place in the Rome Convetion Centre La Nuvola

This 5-day event will gather to discuss over 2500 scientists from more than 60 countries spanning 6 continents about the latest research in environmental science, this international meeting is the biggest of its kind in Europe.


SETAC meeting in numbers: about 2546 presentations over 88 sessions, with 527 platform presentations and 1974 poster presentations including special sessions with invited talks.

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a not-for profit, global professional society established in 1979 to provide a forum for individuals and institutions engaged in education, research and development, ecological risk assessment and life-cycle assessment, chemical manufacture and distribution, management and regulation of natural resources, and the study, analysis and solution of environmental problems.


“The unique touch about this meeting is that experts from different disciplines such as chemists, biologists, toxicologists, engineers, life cycle and risk assessors come to one place to discuss the environmental issues that our world is currently facing. Each of them provides a different part of the puzzle and together they guide us towards sustainable solutions,” says Bart Bosveld, SETAC Europe Executive Director.


We can’t wait to be part of the puzzle and let you know latest news from SETAC!


Event link:

SETAC Europe Office link:


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